
Friday 20 September 2013


Friday, Sept. 20
Departure Morning

When's the last time you sat buckled into a roller coaster, waiting for it to start moving?

Were you nervous? Excited? Wondering what thrills or threats the twisting, galloping path ahead would involve?

I'm ri-i-ight with you. I've waited in line (for eighteen months, planning, preparing and getting poked by needles to go on this thing!), secured a ticket and am now at more or less the point of no return. You know--that point when you step forward into the roller coaster car, buckle in, and feel an attendant push a restraint around your shoulders. Then you start thinking.

I had always thought that when I reached this point, the single question in my mind would be something along the lines of "what in the world am I getting myself into!?!" But interestingly, there doesn't seem to be any room for that sort of question. Questions like "how-am-I-going-to-survive-waking-up-on-the-other-side-of-the-world-not-knowing-what-I'm-doing-or-where-I'm-going" are actually somewhat irrelevant. It's the same way that the question of the price of bread in Israel turned out to be irrelevant to the question of how to feed a group of 5,000+ people (read John 6 if that didn't make sense). Planning well for something is one thing, but leaving the rest to a bigger imagination is about all that you can do after that.

That said, I think the thing I'm most concerned about now is that according to my newly set-in-advance watch says it's supposed to be 5:00 PM. But the little white number on the right corner of this screen in Canada says it's 8:00 AM. Now that's something to worry about...

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