
Sunday 22 September 2013

Diving In

First Impressions IMMERSIONS

Sunday, 3:25 PM

From experiencing a power-out to trying traditional food for the first time to having to teach a village Sunday school on the spot, there hasn't been a single dull moment out of my first 15 hours in Uganda!

(For the whole story + pictures, please click "read more")

A group of us including the Albertan Bible College students, the mission directors, a missionary couple and myself all piled into a white van this morning to set out for a little village church. Getting there involved driving through Kampala--the first time I'd seen the city in the daylight--until pulling off beside a little red road. We walked down a mud hill, trying not to slide in rainy season puddles, and entered a little wood and tin school house. There was a gecko on the ceiling.

After the first part of the service, which included about a twenty minute opening prayer, an animated worship service and a Sunday school presentation, someone asked Alyssa and I if we wanted to "help with the kids." We thought this merely meant crowd control, so weren't prepared for the roomful of expectant eyes that sat waiting for us to teach the lesson!

Alyssa and I just looked at each other.

The action songs and parable dramatizing that somehow followed went well enough, but when the bigger and younger kids were split into groups and I was told I needed to "preach something" to the older ones, you can imagine my pallor! I wish I could say I stepped up and thought of something amazing. But I didn't. The normal teacher/translator asked the kids what topic they wanted to hear about. They picked Moses. And that was my morning! Alyssa said later that she liked being put on the spot, because it makes you depend on God.

After church we went to the Pastor's house for a traditional Ugandan meal. The matoke (ma-TOE-kee), a dish of boiled, mashed banana was my favourite. (You can think of it like a potato. Except slightly chewier.) I had expected to have to try some things here that I wouldn't normally sample, and I surprised myself a little by liking all of it! 

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